Meet Our New Jersey Physicians


At Premier Surgical Network, we are committed to providing comprehensive breast and general surgical care. Our physicians are among the top breast surgeons in New Jersey, a distinction honed through our advanced training and education, our extensive experience, and our cutting-edge procedures and techniques.

In addition to our excellence in breast surgery and breast disease care, we specialize in a range of general surgery procedures, including open and laparoscopic hernia repair, gastrointestinal procedures, and the treatment of skin and soft tissue disorders. We pride ourselves not only on our surgical expertise, but also on our unwavering patient support and education every step of the way.


Our Commitment to Patient Care

We are dedicated to providing a warm and welcoming environment for patients, with personalized guidance and emotional support through every stage of your journey, from diagnosis to remission. We understand that dealing with breast disease can be overwhelming. Our multidisciplinary approach enhances peace of mind, delivering assurance that your treatment plan will be tailored to your specific needs.

Personalized Breast Cancer Treatment Plans

At Premier Surgical Network, we prioritize personalized breast cancer treatment plans to ensure the most effective and patient-centric care. Our commitment extends beyond medical expertise, focusing on individualized approaches that consider each patient’s unique needs and preferences.


Surgical Options

Our experienced team of surgeons collaborates to design personalized treatment plans tailored to the specific characteristics of each patient’s breast cancer. We offer a range of breast cancer surgeries, from lumpectomies to mastectomies, carefully discussing the pros and cons of each procedure with our patients.

Support & Counseling

Understanding that the decision-making process can be overwhelming, our dedicated counselors provide comprehensive support. We prioritize open and empathetic communication, ensuring that patients and their families are well-informed about the available surgical alternatives and can make decisions aligned with their values and goals.

Ultrasound Evaluations and Breast Biopsy Methods

We offer state-of-the-art ultrasound evaluations and advanced breast biopsy methods as part of our commitment to precise diagnostics. These techniques play a crucial role in accurately assessing the nature of breast abnormalities, aiding in the formulation of precise treatment plans.


Contact Premier Surgical Network

Our commitment to personalized treatment plans, unwavering support, and advanced procedures reflects our dedication to providing every patient with the highest quality of care.

If you’re ready to connect with the top breast surgeons in New Jersey, reach out to Premier Surgical Network to schedule an appointment. We offer same-day and next-day appointments. Explore our multiple New Jersey locations to find convenient care where and where you need it.