Archive for the ‘ Breast Cancer ’ Category

November 19, 2020
COVID-19 Breast Screening Update

Premier Surgical Network is proud to follow the American Cancer Society’s breast screening guidelines during COVID-19. While we understand that this can be a very difficult and overwhelming time for many, we would like to remind you that your breast health is a priority.

Women at average risk for breast cancer should have annual screening breast mammography starting at age 45, and women ages 40-44 should also begin annual screening if they choose. During COVID-19, there has been an estimated 87% drop in mammography screenings.

We are following all COVID-19 infection prevention protocols as well as limiting the number of patients in our office at one time. Our surgeons strongly recommend keeping your screening mammography appointment, and, if you are due for a follow up appointment, we encourage you to do so as well.  Early detection is the best prevention.

To read the complete American Cancer Society Guidelines, click here.

September 30, 2020
Breast Cancer Awareness Initiatives in NJ

Breast Cancer Awareness month is celebrated each October. Breast Cancer is something that has impacted us deeply. As breast surgeons, this month means so much to us. We strive to provide compassionate care to our patients and their families as we navigate their treatment plan, surgery, and post-operative care. Breast Cancer Awareness Month allows us all to come together to support a common goal: The fight against Breast Cancer.

This month, each of our surgeons answered a very important and personal question: What Does Breast Cancer Awareness Month Mean to You?

Dr. Desiree D’Angelo-Donovan:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month to me is an opportunity for women to take control of their health. We should all have our own health and wellness at the forefront of our minds, but as women we frequently put ourselves last as we care for children, family and friends. October, I hope, will be a reminder to women to put themselves first and take a moment to focus on their health and get their mammograms. It is something so simple, that can make such a lasting impact when a lesion is found early and never has a chance to manifest into cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month also means success and survival. Breast cancer survival has continued to improve over the years. The average 5-year survival rate for women diagnosed with non-metastatic breast cancer is greater than 90%. 60 years ago, that number was 25%. We have made great leaps and bounds forward with research and new treatments for breast cancer. We still have room to continue to improve, but October makes me feel hopeful for the future. I hope that women take control of their health and that we continue to see the survival rate go up when it comes to the treatment of breast cancer. Now, go out and get your mammogram!!

Dr. Ann Chuang:

The whole world turns pink in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Football teams wear pink uniforms, bridges and streets are lit up in pink.  This is a reminder that both men and women need to stop and pay attention to their breasts.  Masses or nipple discharge that was previously ignored should be relooked at.  Make that appointment to see your primary care physician, OB/GYN or breast surgeon.  Life is busy, but now is the time to stop and take care of yourself.  Breast cancer screening saves lives.  Breast cancer can be detected early and most early breast cancers are 99% curable.  Breast cancer awareness month reminds people to put their health as a priority.

It is estimated that 42,690 deaths (42,170 women and 520 men) from breast cancer will occur this year and that is just too many.  There are too many lives that could have been saved with screening and intervention.  As a breast surgeon, I will not stop advocating for breast health until we stop losing loved ones from cancer.  In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please take a moment to take care of yourself.

Dr. James Frost:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October I remember.

My maternal grandmother, Ruth

My grandmother’s two sisters Tea and Bert

My mother Sheila

Bert’s daughter Barbara

My father’s sister Eleanor

My wife’s mother Reba

My wife’s Aunt Arlene

My wife’s grandmother Anne

They all had breast cancer.

Two are still alive.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Earlier diagnosis leads to more cures and lives saved.

It’s time to grab yourself, your mother, grandmothers, daughters, and girlfriends.

Get your mammograms, and breast exams

The newest 3D mammograms, ultrasounds and MRI exams offer the best screening ever available.

Risk assessment and genetic testing allow identification of our highest risk women.

New treatments offer improved care and survival.

Don’t let Breast Cancer be a Goliath.

Allow us your health care professionals to be your sling shot and stop the Goliath of Breast Cancer.

When it comes to breast cancer, you can control the memories you create.

I remember.

Dr. Anjeanette Brown:

So why Breast Cancer as my professional focus?

My maternal grandmother, Frances Graham- an educator/guidance counselor- was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was in college at University of Maryland. She had opted for a mastectomy instead of having a lumpectomy and radiation. She had a successful surgical outcome, but I remember seeing her incision. A general surgeon had used staples to close her incision and I thought visually it was jarring…who wanted to look like Frankenstein?

My grandmother stated that it didn’t matter as long as the incision was closed BUT it bothered me–she knew I was considering medical school at that time. When I was accepted to University of Maryland for medical school, then general surgery residency, she brought up our previous conversation. She said that I should consider breast surgery as a profession, as there had recently been the addition of a Breast Fellowship with a focus on patient care/aesthetics (how to make the incisions look better) and overall wellness.

She passed at age 91, 4 years ago (not from her cancer) but I work daily to uphold all that she embodied to take the best personal care of my breast cancer patients.






September 2, 2020
Empower Yourself: Lifestyle Choices for Breast Cancer Prevention
Breast Cancer is something that has affected so many people and impacted our lives in some way or another. As with many cancers, there are several risk factors besides family history that impact this disease. On the topic of Health & Fitness Day, Dr. Ann Chuang details the correlation of breast cancer and living a healthy lifestyle. 1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.  Most of these women do not have a family history of… Read More
August 6, 2019
Breastfeeding’s Role in Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
I'm often asked questions regarding breast health, specifically breast cancer risk and breastfeeding. Most patients like to go to ‘Dr. Google’ when researching information. The intent of this topic is to summarize the benefits that breastfeeding provides and answer a commonly asked question, “does breastfeeding lower your breast cancer risk?” Overall, female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are known to ‘fertilize’ certain breast cancers. A woman’s lifetime exposure to hormones can promote breast cancer cell growth. Studies show that breastfeeding can… Read More
May 28, 2019
Male Breast Cancer: Breaking the Myths
“Cancer doesn’t discriminate.” Yet, when it comes to breast cancer, the disease is often associated with females. Male breast cancer is rare, but it can occur. Less than 1% of all breast cancer cases develop in men, and only 1 in 1,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. A male’s chance of getting the disease increases with age, typically developing between the ages of 60 and 70. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2019, 2,670… Read More