September 2, 2020
Empower Yourself: Lifestyle Choices for Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer is something that has affected so many people and impacted our lives in some way or another. As with many cancers, there are several risk factors besides family history that impact this disease. On the topic of Health & Fitness Day, Dr. Ann Chuang details the correlation of breast cancer and living a healthy lifestyle.

1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.  Most of these women do not have a family history of breast cancer.  1 out of 10 breast cancer can be attributed to genetic mutations such as BRCA 1 and 2.  Women who get regular exercise (physical activity) have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who are not active.  When the evidence is looked at as a whole, regular exercise appears to lower breast cancer risk by 10-20 percent.

Most women with early breast cancer will beat it and never develop another breast cancer. It is important that breast cancer survivors practice healthy diet and lifestyles.  These lifestyle modifications include maintaining a BMI between 18.5 and 25, limiting alcohol intake and maintaining or increasing exercise to the moderate or vigorous category. In addition, it is important to take care of other aspect of your health, including being up to date on health care screenings and visits.

Authored by Dr. Ann Chuang

June 3, 2020
June is National Hernia Awareness Month

National Hernia Awareness Month is observed each June. Hernias can be described as abnormal bulges created by a weakness or a hole, usually in the abdominal wall or groin. It occurs when an internal organ, such as the bowel or bladder, extends through the wall of the muscle or tissue where it normally resides.

A bulge in the abdomen or groin caused by a hernia is a common condition in both men and women and can range from pain-free to painful. Nearly 1 million hernia operations are performed each year in the United States.

Hernias can be congenital, which means they were present at the time of birth. They can also develop due to tissue weakness in the abdominal wall or groin, usually from overexertion and straining. Long-term constipation issues or urinating, persistent cough, heavy lifting and physical exertion can all contribute to the development of hernias. Other factors that can increase your risk for hernias include poor nutrition, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, pregnancy, previous surgeries (specifically open surgeries) and smoking.

When hernias become painful or symptomatic it may prevent patients from participating in work, exercise or other activities that they love to do. When a hernia becomes symptomatic it is important to see your primary care physician to discuss repair before the hernia becomes very large or turns into a very serious complication. When organs are stuck in a hernia, they can lose their blood supply, which may result in an emergency that requires immediate attention.

Many times, your physician will be able to diagnosis a hernia by physical exam. However, sometimes a hernia may be difficult to see or feel due to its location or a person’s body size and shape. In those instances, radiologic tests like a CT (computerized tomography) scan or ultrasound may be ordered to help with the diagnosis.

There are different options for surgical repair, including both open surgery and minimally invasive laparoscopic (using small incisions with a laparoscope) approaches. Many times, we utilize mesh to help repair the hernia to lower the recurrence risk. Hernia repair is usually performed under general anesthesia or on an outpatient basis, so patients may be able to go home on the same day of surgery.

For more information about hernias and treatment options, please call us directly at 609-204-5357 or visit our website.

Authored by Dr. Desiree D’Angelo.


May 15, 2020
Prioritizing Your Health: National Women’s Health Week
National Women’s Health Week begins on Mother’s Day every year to remind women to take care of themselves and to make their health a priority, especially this year with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has several recommendations including getting the suggested screenings and preventative care, which may be delayed due to the pandemic. As health care providers, we hope that we will be able to resume breast cancer screenings as soon as possible. If… Read More
March 23, 2020
Dr. D’Angelo is Recognized for Her Outstanding Leadership in the Community
Atlantic City Weekly’s “Top 40 under 40” pays tribute to South Jersey’s most impressive community leaders. We are proud to announce that the Premier Surgical Network’s Dr. Desiree D’Angelo is among the inspiring individuals who made the list. Atlantic City Weekly's “Top 40 Under 40” is all about shining a spotlight on those young professionals under 40 years of age who go above and beyond, those who not only excel at their jobs, but who thrive as inspirations to others… Read More
August 6, 2019
Breastfeeding’s Role in Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
I'm often asked questions regarding breast health, specifically breast cancer risk and breastfeeding. Most patients like to go to ‘Dr. Google’ when researching information. The intent of this topic is to summarize the benefits that breastfeeding provides and answer a commonly asked question, “does breastfeeding lower your breast cancer risk?” Overall, female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) are known to ‘fertilize’ certain breast cancers. A woman’s lifetime exposure to hormones can promote breast cancer cell growth. Studies show that breastfeeding can… Read More
July 9, 2019
Promoting UV Safety Awareness in NJ
July is UV (Ultraviolet) Safety Awareness Month. Ultraviolet radiation comes from the sun, as well as artificial sources such as tanning beds, black light lamps, broken mercury-vapor lamps, plasma torches and welding arcs. UV rays are a form of ionizing radiation that can damage the DNA in the cells in your body, which in turn may lead to cancer. Since UV rays do not have enough energy to penetrate deep into the body, their main effect is on the skin,… Read More
May 28, 2019
Male Breast Cancer: Breaking the Myths
“Cancer doesn’t discriminate.” Yet, when it comes to breast cancer, the disease is often associated with females. Male breast cancer is rare, but it can occur. Less than 1% of all breast cancer cases develop in men, and only 1 in 1,000 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. A male’s chance of getting the disease increases with age, typically developing between the ages of 60 and 70. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2019, 2,670… Read More